Sunday, February 3, 2008

Paucity of Blog Updates

Ari seems to have some anxiety that since she let her foster mom out of sight and she disappeared . . . she's taking no chances this time. She will remain in physical contact with this one at every second, waking and sleeping. (She's sleeping up against Michael right now but hasn't noticed, and I snuck away for a sec.) It's a bit tiring. No, it's really, really tiring. But becoming nicer as the crying decreases.

Yesterday was a good day. She ate a bowl of congee (rice porridge) with breakfast, and it is the first solid food that she has eaten more than a tiny nibble. Then, we went shopping and looking around for the rest of the day. (First day since we left Beijing with no rain -- very nice.) Ari loved it: always on the move, new things to see, and strapped to her new mom. She's always a bit cranky in the hotel room, but every night since the first night, she has a delightful, playful spell late in the evening before bed. We got some cute pictures last night that we'll post as time allows.

Right now, I'm gonna try to put some clothes on before she wakes up and my arms are busy for the rest of the day. Whoops! Too late!

1 comment:

Nana said...

You will REALLY have your arms full on returning home, with an adorable little "cling-on" here!
We are so pleased that she is bonding well with you. Anxious for your return!