Monday, January 28, 2008

Ari's Preliminary Developmental Report

Good news - she can hear! She has no problems responding to the sound of a candy wrapper across the room. :)

She is a very good communicator. She has been held almost constantly so far, and she lets us know exactly what she wants by leaning, pointing, and vocalizing. She's actually quite bossy, which is a very good thing. She seems to have an excellent memory of where things are or where they have been relocated, in order to point at them again later. She is extremely curious. In our brief floor play, she learned games very quickly. She liked putting something in a cup and dumping it out cyclically. She also liked cup lid on/lid off (and on and off, on and off), interrupted by reaching out to ask for (demand) help when it didn't work right.

She crawls well. She does not stand very steadily without support and takes some quick, rushed, wide-based steps. Her fine motor skills are poor. She has no pincer grasp and has difficulty raking cheerios into her hand and getting them to her mouth. She is eager to try but has no idea what to do with solid food in her mouth. I will assume that both hand and eating skills are limited by what she has been allowed/expected to do herself/cultural differences. Her daily routine report said she eats congee (like rice porriage) twice per day and rice at night. It said she "likes candy," and though I am afraid to give her more than a tiny pinch of something (which stays in her mouth until it dissolves), I can see that this is true! :)

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