Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The GUY Report

I agree with Lora's post. However, I'm sure Lora and I will experience the trip in different ways. Yesterday started like it always does, with Lora staring out one cracked eye looking for her double pumpkin spice latte. In fact, much of the trip was about eating and looking for the next coffee such. We used strength and incredible will power to not buy a refill at the Starbucks at the Spokane airport . However, the lay over in Seattle (2 hours late) was just too much and I'm afraid Seattle's Best was too much to resist.

Our plane from Seattle to Tokyo was big. The attendants were for the most part adequate. I saw them giving a lot of attitude to a lot of people, but then many people are just plain difficult.

The ride across the Pacific was LONG. I don't meanClarkia to Elk long, or Elk to Oregon Coast long, I mean real long. I'm already wondering what is realistic to exect for a toddler for this long. Having 4 kids already, the prognosis is not good.

Riding along I had time to watch Lora try to sleep, and 3 movies. They were classics such as Balls of Fury and Rush Hour 3. Hard to want the plane to end with this sort of free entertainment at your fingertips. The meal thing was really weird having a constant supply of snacks and random dinner/lunch/breakfast combinations because of the time zone switches. You know what the saddest part is? Each time I stepped up to the challenge and ate my meal.

In Tokyo, when we landed past the time our next flight should have left, everyone was SO helpful. Very strange experience coming from American airports. We also had to go through security again, but it was more like the old days in the US and a simple tray for your pocket items. What a relief! I wonder if that will change before the Olympics or if it is just the US over reacting with ineffictive rules at airports? Once we reached Beijing I think we were both pretty tired. I don't usually stay up for 24hrs straight. I once again had that same feeling of being in some sort of strange video game with 3 lives as we raced in and out of traffic on the highway. Like Lora, I was strangely not worried.

I can't wait to see what today brings. We are finally bustling about gathering things together. We need to go have our breakfast that has already been paid for and then go wherever William takes us. It should also give us time to settle.

William is really nice and does talk fast! He is like one of those guys that does the disclaimers at the end of the radio commericials. Wow!

Conor, Cameron, Andrew, and Gabrian I already miss you guys. Be extra nice to Gabrian and listen to Nana. See you real soon!

(P.S. I would like to add that today's focus will be both coffee and avoiding snake, not necessarily in that order in Lora's mind. )

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