Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Legal Parents

Today is Tuesday, and it's about 5:00 pm. We had a low-key, yet important day. The great majority of the day, we have just been in the hotel room letting Ariana run around on her own and get used to us. It's getting better and better as her personality starts to emerge. She smiles and chatters a lot. It's hard for her when she wakes up and is disoriented and afraid.

It's so different to have a quiet little girl after all those rowdy boys. She sits still so contentedly playing . . . NOT!!! She is into everything, is very curious, and pretty noisy. She's delightful. We finally had to strap her into the carrier to force her to be still for just a minute to see if she'd fall asleep. (She did.)

This morning, we went to the notary and the provincial office. At the notary, they asked us to promise to give true answers to all their questions. They asked what year we were married, how many children we have before Ariana, what are our levels of education, why we want to adopt from China. Then they asked if we wish to adopt this child, if we are satisfied with her, and if we will provide love and education. We signed many pages of papers and put our thumbprint over our signatures. Then Ari's footprint was added. The next office, we were asked the same questions, signed and thumb-printed two pieces of paper. Then, the official said, "Congratulations. You are now the legal parents of Guo Si Jing." :) :) :)

The orphanage director gave us a few pictures of Ariana and her foster family as a gift, and we came back to the hotel for the day.

All the rest of the waiting and paperwork is for her to get a passport, a visa, and legally immigrate to the US.

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