Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Plane Tickets Finalized

Got tickets today. I've learned you can always negotiate the best deal by booking your tickets less than one week in advance!

We leave Spokane at 9:30 am 1/22 and arrive in Beijing 9:15 pm 1/23.
(No, that's not really a 36 hour trip. They are 16 hours ahead of us.)

We come home at 11:00 am on 2/8 (after leaving Guangzhou at 8:30 am 2/8 -- that's one fast plane! I wish!).

We bought a seat for Ariana. It was a lot of money and just a guess as to whether Ari will have anything to do with it. I just think that 20 hour trip with a toddler -- we might want to have the extra room. I'm betting no one will want to sit near us!

1 comment:

Nana said...

I am SO EXCITED and I am not even going with you!

Nana has good reason to be excited about Ariana coming home! I just can hardly wait.

Hope the planes are fast!